For the past couple of weeks, God has been calling me back to my center. You see, I let myself get distracted….distracted from Him and from my purpose. I was distracted by the worldly yuck that’s been taking over the airwaves, tv stations, FB feed…’s just so negative. As a matter of fact, I decided to take a wee break from FB a couple of weeks ago, because this negativity was taking over my brain. A few days into my hiatus, a dear friend reached out to me. He’d noticed that I’ve been absent from a platform that I started a while back, and truth be told, he probably noticed some of my reposts of quotes that deal with cutting negativity, toxic people, etc on my page. His words resounded in my head and the echo is what God has been speaking to my heart for a while now. You know, those sweet nothings that only our Father God can whisper deep into our souls to remind us that we are His and that no matter what, we are worthy, and good, and have a purpose in the world…no matter what it looks like.
So here I am….back sitting at the foot of the throne….soaking up those sweet words that my Father is whispering to me. You are good. You are worthy. You are enough.