Failures – Day 11, Post 4

I’m reminded daily of my ability to fail….and I’m really okay with that.  It reminds me to forgive myself. You see, I started a challenge on April 1st and I had a pretty ambitious goal.  I wanted to post at least once per day in the month  of April.  Well, needless-to-say, I was already fouling that up on day two! DAY TWO!!!!  Okay, so I just jumped back on and continued….until day four…..oh my goodness!  I got busy and didn’t sign on. Failure!

So the way I see it, I can either wallow in this and quit or pull my self out of this quick collapse and get to posting.  I’m definitely not quitting….so, I’m re-establishing the “rules” for this challenge.  I’m going strive to post at least 30 times in April….so some days I will post more than once (woohoo!!). I am very optimistic that I can achieve this.

“It is better to make a thousand failures than to be too cowardly to ever undertake anything.”

Clovis G. Chappell


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