Confidence….who me?

Do you have confidence? I mean, are you truly a confident person? Do you walk in a room and look everyone in the eye and command their attention? I know people like this….and most of the time, these people aren’t trying to be this way….they just are naturally confident. It’s like they’re born with the ability to garner the attention and respect of everyone in their presence…..or are they? Sometimes the most confident people are just like you and me….they’re just trying to make it through the day. They come off as super together, overly prepared, and ahead of the game.

How do I know this, you ask….well, you see, I am one of these people. I have often been told that I am such an inspiration, a blessing, such a commanding presence when I enter a room. This is obviously on my best days…when I’m feeling great about myself and what I am doing…because I don’t feel that I am any of these things, normally. I feel average… And after years of tormenting over “being average” I have finally realized that average is okay, because we all feel different about ourselves on any given day. As long as I am doing my best and doing what I’m doing for the glory of God, then I’m doing okay!

I’ve also realized that my actions are being watched on a daily basis. How I carry myself, how I greet people, how I just look at people….it’s all being watched. We all are… So, I have determined that although I may not always feel confident, it’s important to always do my best to portray confidence. I’ve recently been told that because I am confident, others look up to me. I’m a “survivor” of a terrible childhood situation, that eventually led to adulthood issues. I’m blessed that my faith took control of my life….truly blessed. And I think that it is because of this epiphany that I am able to be as confident as I am. I no longer feel like I need to hide behind this hurt and rebellious child to feel safe.

So, I am a confident woman, wife, mother, friend….a confident child of God.



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